viernes, 5 de diciembre de 2014

Application of occupational health in human talent

For this week we will discuss the application of occupational health, in this section we can say that its function is to ensure the safety of employees of our companies, determining the risks that exist and that can be harmful to your health, your home, its possible consequences, recommending staff of human talent various controls to prevent future accidents or illnesses, for this a few tools such as Panorama Risk is designed. Also in this section we have created signage to determine evacuation routes, prohibitions that exist there and risk areas across the enterprise.

The staff of human talent of the companies are directly responsible to inform their employees the implementation of occupational health in their workplaces, mainly we can start by saying that occupational health is a multidisciplinary activity to promote and protect the health of workers by preventing and controlling diseases and accidents and eliminating the factors and conditions that endanger the health and safety at work. Also seeks to generate and promote safe and healthy work and good working environments and organizations enhancing the physical, mental and social well-being of workers and support the development and maintenance of work capacity. While seeking to enable workers to carry socially and economically productive lives and contribute effectively to sustainable development, occupational health allows their personal and professional enrichment work.

thank you very much everyone for their contributions to this blog, which is generated in order to have more hacerca knowledge of human talent in our country.
Training and Coaching in Human Talent

We realize that in every company, which makes be functional and meets their organizational culture, is the group of people to dictate some training each with different skills, same as with the passage of his journey on the company is developing and educating our employees, this in order to successfully carry out its primary objective, which is to perform to perfection in his job position.

All training is very important during labor and professional life, as this depends on the operation you must have the worker or member group, training is the strength to be a successful development, it is important to stress that is not the same training and staff development that is being as our present and future in each of the organizations, so you can be permanently informed and fed back to the good development of our work.

thank you very much
Human Talent in Colombia

Human resource management in Colombia, mainly about how to make a general characterization of the main components of human talent such as: recruitment, training, career planning, compensation and performance evaluation.

Before performing this discrimination analysis is pertinent to note that some studies have shown that while midsized businesses have lack of integration between HR practices and business strategy, this relationship if large enterprises of our country.

In Colombia human talent is the planning, organization, development, coordination and control techniques capable of promoting the worker towards efficient performance of employees, to facilitate the achievement of the individual directly or indirectly related to the work objectives generating positive and favorable attitudes towards organizational quality of life of all companies in our country.


martes, 18 de noviembre de 2014


Good fellow and instructor for this week I will discuss the major challenges that we face as professionals in talent management.
As dynamic and competitive as the field of human talent is not without facing a series of challenges or challenges from the socio-economic context in which we develop new technologists human talent.

These challenges, according to whether they are ready or not to accept them, may represent opportunities or threats for each of us as professionals in each of our businesses where we will be laboring.
One of the main challenges will be to adapt easily and quickly to each of the companies in which we develop our knowledge gained during our training in central administration.

thank you very much to all

lunes, 10 de noviembre de 2014


Fellow and instructor for this week I will talk about the management of human talent.

Human Resource Management primarily involves the planning, organization, development and coordination of techniques which are capable of promoting the efficient performance of the human staff, so you can generate positive and favorable attitudes on continuous improvement in the quality of lives of workers.

The general administration pursues the satisfaction of the objectives of the companies where human effort is critical to the functioning of any organization. If human effort is positive in the organization, it will move but otherwise stop or rewind, so good management of human talent becomes a critical process for any organization in the world.

thank you very much to everyone for their various contributions and comments.